i2B Service Level Guarantee / Software Support Policy

Service Level Guarantee for i2B Connect SaaS

This Service Level Guarantee applies to and is incorporated by reference into the ordering document (the “Order Form”) made by and between i2B (as identified on the “Order Form”) and the Customer (as identified on the “Order Form”). i2B may modify this Service Level Guarantee from time to time (see “Version Date” at the bottom of this page) by posting such amended Service Level Guarantee to i2B’s site, but will provide sixty (60) days advance notice to Customer before materially reducing the benefits offered to Customer under this Service Level Guarantee.

During the term of the applicable “Order Form”, i2B will use reasonable efforts to achieve a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.5% for any calendar month.

i2B will ensure that the Customer’s data is backed up every day and held remotely to the physical server location providing the Customised Solution (as identified on the “Order Form”). The physical server itself will be mirrored to a separate physical location in the case of any infrastructure failure at the Customised Solution location. The mirrored location will automatically commence delivering the service upon failure of the physical server.

If i2B does not meet the guarantee, and so long as Customer’s account with us is current, Customer will be eligible to receive the credits described below. These credits are Customer’s exclusive remedy for any failure by i2B to meet the guarantee. i2B and Customer hereby agree as follows:

1. Definitions. The following definitions apply to this Addendum.

Downtime” means the time in which any service listed above is not capable of being accessed or used by the Customer, as monitored by i2B’s external monitoring system “Uptime Robot” (www.uptimerobot.com)

Monthly Uptime Percentage” means the total number of minutes in a calendar month minus the number of minutes of Downtime suffered in a calendar month, divided by the total number of minutes in a calendar month as calculated by “Uptime Robot”.

Example “Uptime Percentage” report from “Uptime Robot”:

Uptime Robot Example

Exclusion from Downtime” The following are not counted as Downtime for the purpose of calculating Monthly Uptime Percentage:

Service unavailability caused by scheduled maintenance of the platform used to provide the applicable service (i2B will endeavour to provide seven days’ advance notice of service-affecting scheduled maintenance); or

Service unavailability caused by events outside of the direct control of i2B or its subcontractor(s), the failure or unavailability of Customer’s systems and the Internet.

2. Service Credits.

Credits are issued as a financial reimbursement if i2B does not meet the guarantee for a particular month of the ordered term. Upon approval of a claim we will provide the applicable remedy set forth below:

Monthly Uptime PercentageService Credit
Less than 99.5% but >= 99.0%2% of the monthly fee
Less than 99.0% but >= 98.5%5% of the monthly fee
Less than 98.5% but >= 98.0%10% of the monthly fee
Less than 98.0%15% of the monthly fee

3. Claim Procedure.

To receive a service credit for a particular calendar month, Customer must submit a claim by email to the  i2B Support team within 30 days of the end of the month during which the Service did not meet the guarantee, and include the following information:

Customer name;

the name of the service to which the claim relates;

the name, email address, and telephone number of the Customer’s designated contact; and

information supporting each claim of Downtime, including date, time, and a description of the incident and affected service, all of which must fall within the calendar month for which you are submitting a claim.

4. Software Support

i2B will support customers that are on a current software maintenance and support agreement.

Support tickets can be raised via our customer Zendesk portal at https://i2b.zendesk.com

Support consists of the following:

  • Response to questions about using i2B Connect SaaS features
  • Operational questions
  • Investigation into operational failures and/or issues

5. Support vs. Maintenance

Support means assistance with configurations, functionality issues and general support and assistance in the operation of the software.

Maintenance is correcting operational, configuration and functional issues and errors discovered in the software. Errors may be discovered by customers and/or ongoing internal testing. These errors will be resolved through periodic maintenance releases, as required.

Version Date: 29 May 2024

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