storm effecting supply chain

In the midst of the terrible UK floodings and stories of more snow heading our way, the i2B Team decided to look into the top causes of business loss and how it effects the supply chain nationally and of course how having an effective purchase to pay system in place can help.

According to Supply Management Magazine, the top ten causes of business interruption between 2010-2014 was:

  1. Fire and explosion
  2. Storm
  3. Machinery breakdown
  4. Faulty design/material/manufacturing
  5. Strike/riot/vandalism
  6. Cast loss (entertainment)
  7. Flood
  8. Collapse
  9. Human error/operating error
  10. Power interruption

For this particular blog, we thought it would be good to explore 9) Human error and 3) Machinery breakdown and how we believe that using a purchase to pay software such as i2B Connect, the lines of communication during these times can be improved.

Once an order has been placed, it’s often a case of purchasing managers, making calls to the suppliers, chasing deliveries, and/or suppliers chasing payments, then there’s the changing of delivery dates and it can often get to be a bit of a, let’s face it…a big mess.

That’s when something as effective as i2B steps in.  With a supplier self-service solution built in– meaning suppliers can login and communicate via the cloud as well as purchasing teams – the lines of communication become smooth.  It also means that the supply chain doesn’t break down, therefore saving your business time and money or loss.

As soon as that piece of machinery grinds to a halt – or has a fault, it is uploaded and updated within the i2B platform and those involved with the process notified.  All with one smooth audit trail left behind.

Human error – now there’s a thing…loss of an email string, no record of a phone call, errors within numerous complicated spreadsheets – all of this can be kept within one place – the cloud.  Being in the cloud also means that you’re not relying on the reliability of any other internal systems too and can be accessed from wherever your purchasing or supply chain manager is.

So what are you waiting for – not the number 11th business disruption surely?  Request a demo today and achieve a Purchase to Pay Zen like State of Mind!

Don’t let disasters impact your purchase to pay systems
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